Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Again - It is another Monday! Another start the this crazy week. Granted this is my second posting, and consistently back to back weeks. I still am a mystery. I have not yet detailed who I am or why I think life is so crazy.

I wouldn't be the one who lost his wedding ring on his anniversary, only to step on something Saturday night. . . . . and low and behold it was my ring. I would never intentially, on the Sabbath no less, try to set up my wife. Who in the world would take the make-shift ring he had been wearing and stick it on her dresser; knowing full well she would grab it and accuse him or losing or forgeting something. Then as slyly as possible say he didn't loose anything and his ring was right on his finger where it should be.

I would in no way every try to play a trick like that on my wife, so it very well couldn't have been me!

Hope this Monday is a start to normalcy or something close!